List of Tamil words in Shina language
Dr . V.R . Annadurai Variankaval Ramasamy ; MD; DPM;
consultant Psychiatist
List of Tamil words in Shina language
Dr. Variankaval Ramasamy Annadurai;MD; DPM;
Shina is a language from the Dardic sub-group of the Indo-Aryan family spoken by the Shina people, a plurality of the people in Gilgit-Baltistan and Chitral (Arandu, Damel, Biol, Asuret and adjoining areas) of Pakistan and a number of people in Ladakh, India (Dah Hanu, Dras), as well as in pockets in Jammu and Kashmir, India, such as in Gurez and Chanderkot.Native speakers: 600,000 in Pakistan. Total users in all countries: 644,200.
Clues to read Shina words into Tamil;
Letter ‘k’= ‘v’; ‘v’= ‘k’.
Add /change vowels then and there.
Letter ‘m’ and ‘n’ can be added or deleted.
letter ‘p’ and letter ‘s’ can be retained/ deleted/ added or exchanged.
A letter can be read more than once.
If a letter occurs consecutively more than once it has to be read only once.

Ref; Grammar of Shina Language and Vocabulary- by B.B. Rajapurohit.
English – Shina- Tamil
1.rock- giro -karpaarai; kar- stone.
2.rock- brak- paaraankkar; peru- big.
3.sand- sinal- manal
*4.short- khuto- kuttai
*5.small- khuto- kutti
*6.wood- kato- kattai gos- akam/ home
8.deaf -kuto- kaathu kaetkaathu; kaathu- ear; kaetkaathu- not hearing; letters are read more than once.
9.spring of water- uts-uooththu thanni- uooththu- spring; thanni- water; letter is read more than once.
10.stammerer- tfakhat- thikkida / stammer
11.heat in kitchen- toto- soodu
12.back- daqe- muthuku
*13.flour – ate -idi
14.dust- udu- thoosu; thudai ;ottadai .
15.lake- biri – yaeri
16.knife- kerar-surikai ; letters are in reversed order.
*17.big-baro -periya
*18.big- bado- padu; peththa; padaa.
*19.cow-gawo -koa
*20.father-babo- appa
*21.father’s elder brother- baro babo- periya appa
*22.mother- aze- aachchi
*23.mother’s elder sister- bari aze- periya aachchi
24.mother-adzi – thaai
*25.sister- kaki- akka
*26.elder sister- bari kaki- periya akka
* kaakkaiyan
*28.elder brother- barokakaza – peria kaakkaiyan
29.grandmother- dadi- paatti
30.great grandmother- dadi adze- paatti udaiya thaai / mother of grandmother; paatti- grandmother; thaai- mother.
*31.grandfather- dado- thaaththa
32.great grandfather- dado babo – thaaththa udaiya appa / father of grandfather.
*33.son/child- bal-pillai
34.husband-bareu- anpar
*35.granddaughter- patsi- paeththi
*36.maternal uncle- momo- maama
*37.maternal uncle’s son- mama bal- maama pillai; maappillai / prospective bridegroom.
38. maternal grandfather’s home- momyal – maama illam /maternal uncle’s home; illam- home.
*39.otherside- par- appuram/ other side; puram- side; eppuram /this side.
40.curtain- parda- thirai; letters are in reversed order.
41. a sieve- dalis- salladai; saliththidu- to sieve; letters are in reversed order.
42.landlord- zamindareh- munn udaiyaar; munn aandaar; munn- land; udaiyar- one who has.
*43. less- kami- kammi; konjam.
*44.arm pit- gikiti-kai edukku; kai- arm; idukku- gap; letters are jumbled.
45.puppy-kukur- kukuran / dog
46.crow-korkus-koo kari/ a crow; karaika/ to crow.
* kui- ko; koa; koo.
48.antelope- mayaro-marimaan
49.flower-puso – poo
50.anger- ros–seeru; seru; seyir; letters are in reversed order.
51.cough- khuzi- kakka pull-alyono- izhu pack- utfono- thini; poattu thini. give- dyono- thanthidu do- tyono- seithidanum think- gunyono- ennuka; letters are in reversed order.
*57.camel- ut- ottai fun- naai
59.lamb- oron- soaran
60.lion- fere – paari; arima.
*61.parrot- tota- thaththai
*62.sting- dondyo:no- theendu
*63.beard- dai- thadi ; letter is read more than once.
64.body- dum- udampu
*65.brain- moto- mithadu
*66.death- moet- madiya/ die
67.disease- rok- urukann
*68.face-muk- mukam
*69.fist- musto- mutti
*70. hair- zaku- sikai
*71.excrement- gu- kakka
72.hiccough- hukitse- vikkida
73.ligament/nerve/vein -nar- narampu
74.navel- tun- thunthi
*75.penis- mano- maani
*76.pills- goli- kulikai
77.saliva- lalo- echchil
78.spit-thuk- thuppuka
79.sole- pat -adi patham
80.soul- dzi- ithayam
81.spine-dakh ati- muthukuthandu; ati mean bone in Shina.
82.tooth- don- thantham
83. throat- soto- thondai
*84. vagina- gati- koothi
85.tumor- thoki- katti /swelling; letters are in reversed order.
86.wrinkle- brakosurukkam
*87. coal- karo- kari
* pot- bon- paanai
89.frying pan- toqle- thoasaikkal
*90.powder – poder-pithir; podi seithar- to powder
91.meat -mos– soosiyam / roasted hot meat; letters are in reversed order; maamisam.
92.armlet- ka- kankkanam
93. banian – baniyan- punai/ cloth; punaiya- to wear.
*94. arrow- kon- kanai
*95. needle- su- uoosi
96.pearl- motik- mauththikam
97.ornaments- baleka -ani kalan
*98. shoe- kara peteh- kaar paatha ani; kaaar – leg; paatham- foot; ani- wear.
*99. shorts- kit -kattai pati – odi
101.parched rice- briusatu- arisi porichachthu; letters are jumbled; porichathu- parched;arisi- rice; biri- arisi /rice.
102.a stick- daki- kattai; letters are in reversed order.
103.ring- anelo-kanayaazhi
104.bed- bathare- paaipoaduthar / bedding; paai-mat; poadu- make.
105.blanket- kambal- kampalam
*106.pillow- uno- anai
*107.castle- kot- koattai
108.cowshed- goyal- koasaalai; koa illam
109.door- dar- thirappu
110.floor- pathar- tharai
*111.gate-tayo- thoatti; thittti; thadai.
112.pillar- thun- thoon
*113.scream- kriv -karaiya/cry
114.shout- krive dyo:no- karainthidu; letters are jumbled.
115.weigh- tolono – edai iduthal; edai- weight;
*116.deer- kilai -kalaimaan animal – korat- karadi/ bear
118.wound /cause it – kutyono -; kaayam aakkidanum; kaayam- wound; aakku- make.
*119.worship- puzatyono- poosiththidanum
*121.weed- khalyo:no- kalai
*122.weave- bayono- pinnu
*123. wear/ put on- bunyo: no – punaiya
*124.touch - dukyo: no - thoduka
125.thrash- kutyo: no- kodu; adi kodu; kuththu.
*126.bead string- minyo no- mani naann; mani- bead; naann- string.
*127. strip off the dress- khalyo: no- kalaiya
*128.strike with hands- kutyo: no- kuththu
129.stop- ratyo:no – niruththu; letters are jumbled.
130.steal- tforithyo: no – thirudu
131.sprout- putkhazo:no–pooththiduka /bloom
132.sleep- sono- saayanum /to repose; sayanam [SKt]. mikbo:no- punnakai -k-kanum /to smile; letters are jumbled; punnakai pookkanum; punnakai- smile.
134.smoke- taakupyono – pukaiththidanum/ to smoke; letters are jumbled; pukai- smoke.
135.serve /food- bai dyo:no- padai;poadu; bai [Shina]=food.
*136.shave- daithyo:no -thaeiththidu
137.rape- givutsyo:no – kedu
*138.pound- kutyo:no – kuththu
139.polish- plis thyono:no- palichchida seithidanum /to polish
*140.plug- thutthyoi:no -thotti
141.pile up- kutdyo:no- kuviththidu; ka=va; va=ka.
142.look at- tsakyo: no – paaththiduka;kanndidu; letters are jumbled.
*143.lay- dyo:no- idu
*144.Know- gunyo:no- kaanu
*145.kiss- mathyo:no- muththam
* 146.kill- kutyo:no- kaathu
147.kick- pisto: dyo: no– uthaiththidu
148.go- bozo: no – poa
149.gargle- krofithyo: no- kaaridu khono; unnuka; letters are in reversed order
*151.dress- bunyo: no- punai/cloth
152. drag – alyo:no;izhu
*153.divide- bagyo ;no – paku thyo:no- seithidu
*155.die- miryo :no- maraiya /disappear note dyo:no- nadanamaadu / to dance; nadanam /naattiyam- dance ;aadu- to dance.
*157.burn- dayo:no- thee idu; thee- fire; idu- do
*158.braid/ plait- bayo: no- pinnu
*159.break- photyo:no- poaattuudai ; poadu- drop; udai- break.
160.praise- tikyo:no- thuthikka; paaduka.
161.become- dulyo:no- aathal
*162.beat/ drum – kutyo:no- kottu /beat/drum
163.ask- khoz:no- kaekka
164.where- kone- enkkae; letters are in reversed order.
165.behind- pato – pinnadi
*166.mineral- kan- kanimam
167.drum- dol- maththalam ;thavil; padalai .
168.dancer- notenek- nadananankkai /female dancer ; nadanam- dance; nankkai- woman.
*169.hide and seek – litipiti- olinthupidi ;olinthupidiaattam ;aattam- play / game ;oilinthidu- to hide; pidi- to catch .
170.worship -ebadat- poosiththidu;paadu ;thuthiththidu ;oaathidu .
*171.purity- dweno – thooimaiyaana
*172.prayer- dwyar- thuthiththar
*173.fairy- pari- paeiuru
174.ghost- yas- pisaasu
175. thief- tfor- thirudar; letters are read more than once.
176.theft- tfori-thiruttu
*177.muder- qatl -kaathuthal
178. bargain- parbotye- paerampaesidu
179.prisoner- qedi- kaithi;adaikka / confine is the root word; letters are in reversed order.
180.gun- tubak- thuppakki ;suduka /shoot is the root word .
181.chain- fanali- punaiyal / garland
182. chariot- rath- thaer; letters are in reversed order.
* phodzi- padai
*184.village- gam-kaam; kaamam. taf- mudi; pattam- letters are in reversed order.
186.pen- kalam- mai -k -kole; mai- ink; kole-stick.
*187.slap- dwak- adikka
188.praise- tari:p – paaraattu ;letters are in reversed order .
189.proud/pride- takabur-perumithamadaika ; letters are jumbled.
*190.mercy- rahm- erakkam; letter ‘h’ is read as ‘k’ and not as ‘a’.
*191.grief- duk -thukkam; kaetham; kaththu / shout- letters are in reversed order.
*192.deceit- doka- yaeiththiduka
193.touch- hatdyo:no – thodu
194.sound- bas- oaasai
*195.summer- val- veyyal
*196.night- rati- eruttu /dark; raaththiri .
197.month- mos- maasam ;maatham .
198. late- tfhut- thaamatham
* des- aatchchi dif- idam
*201.far- dur- ettaththir; etta- far away; thooram.
202.centre-maze- maiyam
203.bottom- tav-adi
204.true- deman- unmaiyaanathu; letters are in reversed order.
205.stingy –kundzus- kanjathanam
206.shallow- lato- aalam illathu ;aazham- deep;illai- without.
207.ripe- pako- kaniya; pakkuvam; ka=va; va=ka.
208.long- dano- neenda; letters are in reversed order.
*209.hollow- gutfo-kudiavu; ka-va; va=ka.
*210.great- baro- periya
211.fresh- taza- puthiya
212.fold- tah- madi
*213.fault- kusur- kurai
*214.dead- muk- maaika/die
*215.charm- saoko -sokka
216.boat- kifti- kadaththu
217.tailor- darzi- theiyar ;thei- stich.
*218.potter- kulal– kulaalan
219.shepherd- payalo- payal ;paalan ;paal- milk . dalal- idai aal / middle man; idai- middle; aal- person.
*221.blacksmith- akar- karumar .
222.beggar- bitsalo- yaasiththidum aal ; pitchchaiediththidum aal ; pitchchai- begging; aal- person ; yaasithhtidu- to beg ;letters are jumbled.
*223.wheel- giri- kaar
224.stalk- dono- thandu
226.plough-hal – uzhu/ to plough; alam; aalam; alliyam
227.radish- mulo- mullankki
228.plant- thok- naduka/ to plant
229.pasture- yut- maeiththidu /to pasture
230.plantain- kelo- vaazhai; ka=va; va=ka.
* am- maa
232.ginger- azi- inji
*233.gourd- kadu- kodi -k-kaai ;kodi- creeper.
234.tree branch- bako- kompu; letters are in reversed order.
* nali- naazhi
*236.wall- kut- kuttiyam
*237.thrashing floor- khal- kalam
238.quilt/ cotton mattress-gadela- kattil meththai ; kattil- cot; meththai- mattress.
239. hut- du kur- koorai veedu; letters are jumbled; ka= va; va =ka; veedu- house; koorai / roof thatched by weed.
*240. storm- balah- puyal
241.ant- philili – pilan; paipeelam.
242.buffalo [he]- biromais -erumai
243.owl- hue- kookai
244.butterfly- phatuai- paappaaththi